Keep your natural tooth for longer!
Over time, teeth decay, crack, and break. When this happens, a root canal may be the best option. Root canal therapy salvages the remaining healthy parts of the tooth rather than completely replacing it with a dental implant.
- Keep your natural smile and avoid dental implants
- Essentially painless
- Short treatment process
- Maintain normal biting sensation
Additional Information
Root canal therapy involves carefully removing the nerve tissue of a tooth and sealing the canals with a rubberlike material. After the procedure, the tooth will not be able to feel pain or temperature but will maintain normal biting power and will feel natural.s.
In the past root canals have been quite painful but with new advances, is no more uncomfortable than a regular filling
You may require a dental crown so that the tooth does not fracture following the treatment. A tooth that has undergone the therapy may become more brittle and overtime may be susceptible to cracking.
Most of our treatments are covered by a majority of insurance companies. For a more detailed explanation of your coverage please call your service provider.
Other Dental Services
Soft Tissue Laser: Soft tissue lasers have many applications including: re-contouring gums, reducing tongue-ties, treating canker sores, and other small surgical procedures. Procedures done with the laser are drastically less invasive than surgery, heal faster, bleed minimally, are more time efficient, and are far safer.